About Us

Brent and Anjelica graduated from the University of St. Augustine with their Doctorate in Physical Therapy. They got married shortly after graduating and moved to California.
After working in multiple physical therapy settings and sightseeing all over California, they return to beautiful Sarasota where Brent grew up. After moving back home, they decided to pursue their dream of owning their own clinic.
A physical therapy clinic focusing on exceptional care and injury prevention with a cornerstone in wellness. Our mission is to keep Sarasota healthy, active, and pain-free, one person at a time.
About Dr. Brent

Biology Degree
[Eastern Mennonite University]
Doctorate of Physical Therapy
[University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences]
Certified in Dry Needling
[American Academy of Manipulative Therapy]
Certified Pelvis Pro Therapist
[Core Exercise Solutions]
Certified Blood Flow Restriction Therapist
[Smart Tools]
Early on in my physical therapy career, I developed a passion for outpatient manual physical therapy. After practicing multiple years and managing a small orthopedic clinic, something was still missing. I felt limited in my patient care by the traditional physical therapy model. I realized insurance companies were starting to dictating how I treated, how many visits the patient received, for how long, and what I got paid for my services. I knew a change needed to happen in order to cater to my client's needs and not insurance companies. So we began the endeavor to start our own cash-based clinic in Sarasota to give our clients the time, resources, and individualized care they truly need to restore their lives.
This is why we started Yoder Physical Therapy & Wellness!
In my free time, I enjoy family time with our newborn son, biking, and cooking.
In physical therapy school, there might have only been one lecture about Women’s Health. I didn’t even know pelvic floor physical therapy was a thing.
It wasn’t until my sister-in-law, who now has four gorgeous kids, shared with me about how her postpartum journey started off very wrong than completely changed when she started addressing her pelvic floor and core.
Her story goes like this..
“In my first pregnancy, no one told me about pelvic floor rehabilitation, not even the doctor. The only instruction from the doctor at my 6-week visit was ‘Don’t do anything until I clear you. Once I clear you, you can do everything.’ So after I was cleared, I jumped right back into surfing and capoeira. I quickly pulled some muscles and started dealing with a lot of aches and pains. I also thought back pain was normal, even into a year postpartum (Hint: This is NOT normal at any point postpartum. It may be common but not normal!)
It wasn’t until my best friend told me about pelvic floor physical therapy that I finally gave my body the attention that it needed and went back to doing what I love in a smarter way and with a lot more knowledge about my body.”
I hear similar stories from soo many moms.
Because of my sister-in-law’s story, I decided to pursue my career in pelvic floor, pregnancy, and postpartum therapy. I absolutely love working with this population!
You can also follow me on Instagram @PelvicPTsrq for free tips.
In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my husband and son, biking, surfing, working out, and seeing the beach sunset.
About Dr. Anjelica

Exercise Science Degree
[University of North Florida]
Doctorate of Physical Therapy
[University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences]
Pelvic Floor Certified
[Herman & Wallace]
Pregnancy & Postpartum Specialist
[Core Exercise Solutions]